ENICA stands for:


elixir of
ид шидийн бэлдмэл эликсир




Оюун ухаан




Гадаад төрх


As the world population increases day by day, natural ecosystem is falling into imbalance, and then, quality of organic food is steadily deteriorating. According to some doctors and scientists, human being can age up to 150 years. Unfortunately, in the world average life expectancy reaches its 50% only because people still suffer malfunction and they cannot acquire nutrition, vitamins, and minerals as much as required, through their daily intake of foods and drinks, which causes morbidity and mortality in different ways. Thus, in highly developed countries, biologically active supplements are commonly recommended because they can keep human metabolism healthy and effective as original natural ingredients derived from a wide range of herbs, grains, fruits, and animals via bioengineering interventions without losing their vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Daily intake of biologically active food supplements can clear human body, recover the lack of vitamins and minerals, and rejuvenate as well as prevent from a great deal of diseases including cancer. At a glance, lifestyle has already shifted from nomadic to sedentary patterns in Mongolia. But, food culture is still stuck with nomadic style, and cannot be adjusted to the sedentary style, which causes malnutrition in much broad range of Mongolian population. That’s why you and your loved ones should use biologically active food supplements on a regular basis in order to keep your demands of nutrition, vitamins and minerals supplied well.

“ENICA” Brand in Mongolia

Enica Organic Impex Company offers you the most optimum biologically active food supplements, produced by the most advanced technology of Co2, in Mongolia first.

Biologically active food supplements can be produced by two different ways, one of them is pressure and the other is кольтперс. Although both technologies may make original products, there are still heavy metals remained in the final products. But, the technology of Co2 processes raw materials of grain and fruit at cellular level and collects biologically active substances from their seeds; which disables any heavy metals and toxic particles from the raw materials to be absorbed simultaneously.
Enriched with sea buckthorn oil, essence of the medically and practically popular plant in Mongolia; ENICA produces and offers you 12 different kinds of biologically active food supplements, by the advanced technology of Co2, as follows:

Biologically active food supplement is a preparation produced from the natural raw materials of herb, grain, fruit, and animal by advanced bioengineering technologies, without losing their vital properties, and then, enriched with vitamins and minerals in order to make up for deficiencies of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in diet.

  1. Pumpkin
  2. Wheat Germ
  3. Pomegranate
  4. Seabuckthorn
  5. Coriander
  6. Turmeric
  7. Black Seed
  8. Rosehip
  9. Rice Bran
  10. Flax Seed
  11. Seabuckthorn

Base raw materials:

Natural nutrients found in plant and animal based foods


Minerals, microelements, and microorganisms (bacteria regulating human microbiome)


Safe, pure, and easy

Advantages of biologically active food supplements

Biologically active food supplement contains pure natural substances designed to keep nutrients in right balance, prevent from metabolic diseases, and then, accelerate healing process of human body.

Actually, everyone wants to live long and healthy.

Russian-born biologist, immunologist Elie Metchnikoff argued that “people are supposed to live for 150 years, but, they don’t live up to their longevity potential and are killed prematurely by violent causes.”

Being physically fit means being able to adapt to the surrounding environment easily, having strong immune, and occupying an ability to recover its superficial damages and losses. Following the fast paced development of sciences and technologies, nature is getting steadily deteriorated, which eventually causes dysfunctional lifestyle and low nutritious diet. Focusing on illusive concepts such as delicious, colourful, and easy-fast, we are attracted to junk foods more than ever, and then, we finally end up with excessive accumulation of saturated fats and carbohydrates in our body, suffering from the deficiency of biologically active substances such as minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. The WHO believes that the best solution for invisible, but extensive malnutrition triggered by the present lifestyle can be the regular intake of biologically active food supplements.

Biologically active food supplements are designed to heal human body in a much broad aspect, literally in terms of metabolism; not for regional symptoms or a certain disease only.

Manufacturers of biologically active food supplements use natural raw materials emphasized with their purity and medically effective properties; and therefore, unlike pharmaceuticals and chemicals, they don’t show side effects. Especially, ENICA biologically active food supplements are produced by the most advanced technology of Co2 in the world and meet all the applicable international standards. Consumers should be aware of poor quality and artificial biologically active supplements may found in the industry of food supplements.

In general, the biologically active food supplements play three main roles: cleansing, balancing, and invigorating.

ENICA supplements are differentiated from one another, depending on which of cleaning, balancing, and invigorating is dominant with the product. The biologically active supplements are recommended to be consumed in a sequence: cleansing – balancing – invigorating.

  1. The biologically active food supplements for “cleansing” play vital roles to detoxify, release salts of heavy metals, harmful accumulations of radiologic and chemical therapies, pharmaceutical or chemical substances, food remains from incomplete catalysis, and exceeded fats out of human body through absorption.
  2. The biologically active food supplements for “balancing” provide some minerals /Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe etc./, integral parts in the structure and function of human skin, hair, nail, endocrine and muscular systems; the amino acids humans cannot synthesize; proteins; and unsaturated fats; and then, recover human body at the cellular level.
  3. The biologically active food supplements for “invigorating” correct the dysfunction of damaged or injured organs due to illness; enhance their sustainability; and maintain metabolism.

We strongly encourage you to use the premium nutritious and biologically active food supplements in order to keep you with good quality of life. Our bodies are as perfect as the God’s creature, but they have no spare parts. Be aware of health and safety.